A family run business with over 30 years experience in the provision of high quality personalised care...

Types of Care

We are pleased to provide residential care for the elderly and those with physical disability.

Our care home is registered for the provision of:

  •   Personal care
  •   Care with nursing
  •   Dementia care
  •   Care for those with physical disability & over 65 years of age

Residents are welcome on either a long stay basis or for shorter convalescent, specialist dementia care or respite care. Short term stays may be helpful when a home carer takes a short break or is unavailable for whatever reason.

Our standard of care is regularly monitored by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and we strive to meet our and your highest standards.

What people told the Care Quality Commission about Abbey Ravenscroft Park

"We spoke with five people and relatives of the 47 people who used the service. Most people were positive about the quality of care and treatment provided to them. Typical comments we received included: 'the staff look after you well', and 'staff are friendly and approachable'. People said they were treated with dignity and respect."

Click Here to view our Care Quality Commission Inspection Report.

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