A family run business with over 30 years experience in the provision of high quality personalised care...

Types of Care

We are pleased to care for frail elderly with a wide range of dependency needs

Our Care Home is Registered for provision of :

  •   Personal care
  •   Care with nursing
  •   Dementia care
  •   Care for those with physical disability & over 65 years of age
  •   Re-ablement Care

Residents are welcome on either a long stay basis or for shorter convalescent or respite care - perhaps when a home carer takes a short break or is unavailable for whatever reason

Our standard of care is regularly monitored by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and we strive to meet our and your highest standards.

What people who use the service experienced and told CQC

People who used the service had the choice of where to spend their day, in their rooms or in the lounge. Activities were provided for those who wished to take part. One person told us, "I am able to walk in the garden because the paths are smooth. I help to do some gardening when the weather is OK although I walk with a frame". We saw that people ate where they preferred to sit, in their rooms, on a lounge chair, or at the dining table.

 Click Here to view our CQC Inspection Report.

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